Dutch Open Student STEEL Award
The Dutch Open STEEL Award (DOSS-award) is an annual, international prize, organised by Technical University Delft and Bouwen met Staal, for all MSc students graduating on the field of structural application of steel.
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The DOSS-award has its own website: www.dossaward.com
DOSS-award 2021:
Photographs to the right are three of the winners of the Student STEEL Award 2020. Top to bottom: Angeliki Christoforidou (1st Prize Master), Geerte Kotteman (2nd Prize Master) and Aditya Vidwand (Van Bentum Prize, for the innovative application of steel sheet).
Students graduating in 2020 and 2021 (graduation period 1st March 2020 to 28th February 2021) are invited to participate in the Dutch Open Student STEEL Award 2021. Download the registration form by clicking here (in word or pdf format). Fill it in and send it, with (a link to) your MSc thesis and a summary, to Bouwen met Staal on April 6, at the latest. A letter of support from the supervisor is welcome. Projects that may be eligible are related to: engineering structures, research, product development and/or a combination of these in which steel plays a key role or benefits for steel sector are clearly addressed. The jury has an eye for the innovative use of steel to improve the sustainability of structures or in contributing to new knowledge of using steel in engineering applications.
The Dutch Open Student STEEL Award 2021 is organized by the association Bouwen met Staal in cooperation with Technical University Delft and aims for students who graduate civil engineering at master level at a university. This award supports the work of graduate students, who study the possibilities of steel in engineering structures, challenge the use of steel as a building material to its limits, develop methods and technologies or organize a multidisciplinary project for increase competiveness of steel structures. The Dutch Open Student STEEL Award 2021 has no sub-categories. The first prize winner will be rewarded with 2.500,- Euro, second prize winners will be rewarded with 1.250,- Euro.
Contribution of all candidates will be published in a proceeding of the competition. Six nominees and their supervisors, selected by the jury, will be invited to participate in an online webinar. Bouwen met Staal will organise the webinar on April 22, 2021, 13:00 – 15:00 CET. The maximum time of the presentation is 10 mins and 5 mins for discussion.
Jury criteria
All submitted projects will be evaluated by the jury based on following issues:
- relevance of the project
- clarity in expressing objectives and goals, creativity and ingenuity
- context of societal needs, improvements of daily practice and contribution to new knowledge
- performance in sustainability, reduction of environmental load, reduction of maintenance
- how (smart) steel is applied in the project
- originality and aesthetics
- ambition
- thoroughness of the design or research
- Jan Beckers, Senior Advisor and Strategic Manager in complex steelconstruction projects, Netherlands
- Yoo Sang Choo, Adjunct Professor in Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering at National University Singapore, Singapore
- Alan Dunsmore, Chief Executive Officer of Severfield plc, United Kingdom
- Markus Feldmann, Professor Steel Structures and Head of Department Institut für Stahlbau, RWTH Aachen, Germany
- Leroy Gardener, Professor of Structural Engineering at Imperial College, London, United Kingdom
- Bernhard Hauke, Editorial Director of the Ernst & Sohn publishing house, Berlin, Germany
- Raffaele Landolfo, Full Professor in Structural Engineering and Head of the Department of Structures for Engineering at University of Naples “Federico II”, Italy
- Frank Maatje, Managing Director Dutch Steel Construction Institute 'Bouwen met Staal', Zoetermeer, Netherlands
- Gang Shi, Professor Steel Structures at Tsinghua University, Beijing, China
- Luís Simões da Silva, Professor of Structural Mechanics, University of Coimbra, Portugal
- Andreas Taras, Full Professor of Steel Construction and Composite Structures at ETH Zurich, Switzerland
- Oliver Vassart, Chief Executive Officer Steligence ArcelorMittal, Liège, Belgium
- Milan Veljkovic, Professor of Steel and Composite Structures, Delft University of Technology, Netherlands
- Brian Uy, Professor of Structural Engineering and Head of the School of Civil Engineering at the University of Sydney, Australia
- Peter Zeman, director of Zeco and chairman of FMTI Bildungsausschuss, Vienna, Austria
What to submit
For each project the following should be submitted, by e-mail or by air-mail.
- Registration form
With all the required information about the graduate and the graduation supervisors (in word or pdf format). Summary
A short description of the complete project including an explanation why steel is used (maximum one A4 page).- MSc Thesis
A hyperlink to a complete MSc thesis report (a web page of the university or wetransfer.com address) or send the thesis to the address below.
Preferably send the registration form, the summary and the thesis by e-mail to: info@bouwenmetstaal.nl.
Alternatively you can send paper documents to:
Bouwen met Staal, f.a.o. Dutch Open Student STEEL Award
Louis Braillelaan 80
NL-2719 EK Zoetermeer